Featured, Platform Design

Expense Tracking

Boston Consulting Group, India

Project details


Boston Consulting Group, India


UX Designer, Full-Stack Developer


Featured, Platform Design


The Boston Consulting Group, India had seen a rising discontent among their consultants, with the state of their expense filing software. We worked alongside a small internal team at the organization to look into ways of alleviating the issue.


The research for this project was largely focused on shadowing the consultants(primary users) as they file their expenses. This was followed by interviews with the consultants and the accounting team at BCG to gain an understanding of what their pain points were. Our findings pointed to the following issues:

User Flows

We made quick and dirty click prototypes based on our research findings and ran multiple iterations first within the collaborating team, and then in increasing user group sizes across the organization.


The design phase was followed by a 8 month development effort to build out the entire system of iOS, Android and web applications along with a administrator back-end that would enable the accounting team to keep their old system and workflow. Screenshots of the final application:

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